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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Meet The Miracle Money Prophet Who Can Make You Rich Mysteriously

Founder and Senior Pastor of Spirit Embassy Ministries, Prophet Uebert Angel has brought 'miracle life' in Zimbabwe to another level.
His name has become synonymous with miracles, signs, wonders and accurate prophecies. His prophetic gifting often reveals people's names, addresses and some pertinent information on the lives of members of the community. While prophesying, he can even tell you how old your pregnancy is, the last email you read before you came to church or your O-Level and A-level results.
Prophet Angel pulled a shocker to South African Pastors during a conference when he testified that while living in the UK, life was not as smooth as it is now. Much to the surprise of the congregation that he was preaching to, the now flamboyant prophet said the only food that was in his house when two of his church members in UK visited him was water and nothing more. He went on to reveal that his bank account had absolutely nothing, in fact there was an overdraft of 2 Pounds. The man of God was delivering his sermon titled Miracle Money.

He, however, acknowledged that pastors are very clever and can easily find ways of collecting money (offering) during a church service. Interestingly prophet Angel said despite the fact that his account had minus 2 Pounds, he preached to the ATM machine until his account miraculaously generated 2,000 Pounds which he then used to buy food for his visitors.

In October this year, Prophet Angel and his wife, Prophetess Beverly Angel traveled to Botswana, where they gave Botswana people a long-lasting taste of their 'miracle money'. The youthful prophet took his gospel of prosperity to the University of Botswana Stadium on Friday 26 October where Miracle money miraculously appeared in the pockets of many who were present. Some miraculously or rather mysteriously received as much as 1,000 Pula in their pockets when they only had a few coins with them. Some are said to have even received airtime in their phones - at the command of Prophet Angel.

"All I had left on me when I came was less just about P6 in coins. When the man of God declared, 'RECEIVE MIRACLE MONEY' I checked my bag and found this P600," she squalled heartily.

As shocking and unheard of as it was Prophet Angel instructed, "Count it again!" She complied and before she could finish counting she yanked out, "ahhhhh haha ahh, it has increased. It's now P1,000," said the unidentified woman.

Another man who also miraculously received money from nowehere said:

"This P20 is all I had left in my pocket, when you declared miracle money, I checked my pocket and found this twenty Pulla, I checked the other and was shocked to find P1,900. I am shocked at what God can do. Man of God I am shocked! The money just appeared from nowhere!!!"

Prophet Angel however gave a condition for him to explain where the money came from.

"Well.... only if and when you tell me where the money Jesus instructed Peter to collect from the mouth of a fish came from. Only after that will I tell you," he said.

Innumerable testimonies of miracle money summed up to more millions of pulas right there before everyone’s eyes and money appeared in the most unusual places. Some testifying it just appeared right in the clutch of their hands, others in their bank accounts and many in topped up cellphone credit.

However, juju has also been suspected mainly by those who do not believe in today's prophets. Their doubt is further supposrted by the incident that took place in Mabvuku when a United Family International Church (UFIC) member bought grocery with US$500 that turned into leaves.

"That money is evil. These false prophets are using the name of God to enrich themselves. How on earth could money just come from nowhere? The bible says you have to sweat for you to live, but these guys preach otherwise. Nowonder why that Mabvuku woman's money turned into leaves. This is purely juju," fumed a Bulawayo Methodist Church youth member, Chris Masiyiwa.

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