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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Marijuana Debate: Yes We Can!

Pot smokers formally gained the right to light up in Colorado as Governor John Hickenlooper signed into effect a controversial ballot measure legalizing marijuana for adult recreational use in what proponents hailed as a "historic day."
Marijuana was oficially broken up for use by customers at Frankie Sports Bar and Grill in Olympia, Washington on December 9, 2012.
The owner Frank Schnarr, who waged an ultimately successful battle with local and state officials over Washington's 2006 smoking ban, appears to be the first restaurant or bar owner in the state to test the recently expanded limits on recreational marijuana use.
In order to flout the ban, Schnarr renamed his establishment's smoking-friendly second floor as "Friends of Frankie's," a private room limited to those who pay a $10 annual membership fee.
Betty Aldworth, center, a director of the Yes on 64 campaign responded to questions about the legalization of marijuana at a news conference at Civic Center Park in Denver as the Colorado voters passed Amendment 64 of December, 2012 legalizing marijuana in the state for recreational use.The amendment would make it legal in Colorado for individuals to possess and for businesses to sell marijuana for recreational use.

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